Spartanburg Plumber Shares Tips On How To Clean Your Drain or Sewer

Whether it’s a clogged sewer drain or a blocked drain, plumbing problems can happen to anyone and at any time. And at their worst, these plumbing problems may require a professional drain and sewer cleaning services. However, you may not have the money to hire a professional local plumber at the time the problem may not be severe. In such a situation, you can eliminate these clogs using DIY cleaning methods and locally available materials. Here are some tips and tricks from a Spartanburg drain and sewer cleaning specialist.

1. Try hot water: As much as it’s often overlooked, flushing your clogged drains and sewer lines with hot water remains one of the easiest yet highly effective methods of unclogging them. As hot water travels through your drainpipes, it can dislodge clogged materials and remove gunk, thus returning them to peak performance. For optimal results, it’s highly advisable to flush your clogged drains and sewer lines with hot water for at least 15 minutes. When flushed with force, the hot water will remove the gunk buildup and return your drains to optimal working condition, without spending a dime.

2. Leverage tools you already have: Unclogging or cleaning blocked drainpipes and sewer lines doesn’t always require expensive tools and equipment. So, before you go out to buy expensive tools or call for drain cleaning services, you can use some of the tools that you already have. And a bathroom plunger is one of the most effective tools that you can use for this job. So, how do you use a plunger to unclog or clean drains and sewers? Well, you will just do it as you normally use it. You simply need to cover the entire opening of the drain, and then press back and forth for at least 2 minutes. The pressure build-up from the repetitive motions will remove some of the materials blocking your drains. In case the drain or the sewer line has an overflow vent, you should first block it to prevent pressure loss.

3. Use DIY liquid cleaners: If you’ve already tried the above methods but they don’t seem to produce the desired results, then you should try out DIY liquid cleaners. Just like commercial drain cleaners, DIY liquid cleaners can also help to break down and remove dislodged gunk that may be affecting your sewer lines and drainpipes. One of the most popular DIY liquid cleaners is a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. And unlike commercial drain cleaners, homemade liquid cleaners will not damage your plumbing systems, even after prolonged use. Once you’ve obtained a solution of vinegar and baking powder, you should then go ahead and pour at least 2 cups after every 5 minutes. If your drains or sewer lines are blocked by food materials or soap residue, then this cleaning solution should unclog them.

4. Get a drain snake: If you are looking for a reliable and effective means of unclogging or unblocking your sewer lines and drainpipes, then you should get yourself a plumber’s drain snake. Most of the professionals who offer sewer cleaning services normally use this tool to unblock common clogs. And the good news is, a drain snake is readily available in local hardware stores for around $25 to $50. As much as drain snakes will not relieve all blockages, they are highly effective when it comes to small clogs.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Local Plumber

If you’ve applied some or all of the above methods but you can’t seem to unclog your blocked drainpipes or sewer lines, then it’s highly advisable to hire a professional local plumber to help you. Hiring a professional local plumber comes with numerous benefits such as:

– They are experienced: You want to look for a highly trained and skilled plumber. Also, years of experience when it comes to dealing with all sorts of plumbing issues. So, when you a plumber to provide drain cleaning services, you can rest assured that they will handle everything, as well as assessing the problem and then using their skills and experience to unclog your drainpipes or sewer lines.

– They have modern tools: Dealing with a serious clogging issue requires specialized tools and equipment. The problem is, such tools or equipment don’t come cheap. The good news is, the professional local plumbers at One Call Plumbing have the right tools and equipment, which can handle all clogged drains and sewer lines. So, if you are experiencing a major clogging issue in your home or business, a professional plumber will know what to do and which tools will be required to clear the issue.

– Faster services: Most homeowners hire unskilled, amateur, or unlicensed plumbers because they tend to offer cheaper rates. The problem is, most will take days or even weeks, to clear a clog that could have taken a professional plumber a few hours. As a result, the costs eventually add up in the end. So, if you want fast and timely sewer cleaning services, then it will be highly advisable to hire a professional local plumber.

– Reliable services: When you hire professional local plumbers you are looking for reliable services, a plumber who has worked with hundreds of such problems before. Therefore, you are assured of getting value for your money. On the other hand, if you hire an inexperienced plumber, they may end causing more problems to your plumbing system, leading to expensive repairs.

Contact The Spartanburg Plumber

By following the above tips and tricks, you can deal with simple clogs and blocks. But if the problem is complex, then One Call Plumbing is just a call away. Look for a plumbing company that provides reliable, efficient, and timely drain and sewer cleaning services, at an affordable cost. Regardless of the issue, you are facing, you need experienced plumbers that will deal with the problem as soon as possible. They understand your urgency and we will do everything they can, to get the job done right, the first time. Get in touch with One Call Plumbing today and schedule your free, no-obligation estimate.